Homeward’s facilitation of Equine-Guided Empowerment® is rooted in embodiment and somatic practices and the approach of The Reflective Horse® by Cassandra Ogier.

The terms “somatic” and “embodiment” are often used interchangeably.  “Soma” means the living organism in its wholeness. Homeward’s embodiment work therefore guides clients back into their bodies to access this vital source of communication and wisdom. We recognize that our instincts, intuition, and inner truth do not come from our thinking. Using grounding  and centering practices and somatic activities, clients will reawaken their senses and gain a deeper awareness of how to access their intrinsic knowing. The horses, as powerfully energetic, sensitive, and sensate beings, provide non-judgmental feedback for developing this awareness and clarity.

We do not use halters or lead ropes on our horses to perform activities or exercises in Equine-Guided Empowerment® as we believe this does not grant the horse full agency in the partnership. The horses always have the freedom to choose how, when, and if they want to partner or participate with us. This journey into freedom, consent, and deep listening fosters humility, curiosity, openness, and ultimately a greater understanding of ourselves and our connection with all living beings.

As a facilitator I will guide you in doing transformative work that turns you back to your essence, inner truth, and intrinsic resources. I am not a licensed mental health provider, so I do not diagnose conditions or provide therapeutic treatments. Working together in partnership with the horses, you will recognize your conditioned tendencies; reawaken your body’s communication; integrate mind, body, and spirit; and establish new understandings and practices that restore your wholeness.


What Homeward is NOT:

  • Natural horsemanship

  • Horse training or riding school

  • Hippotherapy (working with individuals with disabilities)

  • Licensed mental health provider