These sessions guide the client back to their true nature, their home within, which is always present and accessible. Through somatic embodiment, these sessions will reawaken each person’s instincts, intuition, and innate wisdom as the source from which each of us draws strength, clarity, purpose, and direction. With the horses as the true guides and Amanda’s facilitation of somatic activities, clients see themselves through the non-judgmental, forgiving eyes of the horse and learn how to ground themselves, claim space, hold ground, and listen to their instincts. From this place of deep knowing, which is separate from the intellect, insights emerge. As an Equine-Guided Empowerment® facilitator, Amanda is a mastery practitioner in The Reflective Horse® modality, trained by Cassandra Ogier in California, USA. Amanda’s role is to create the container and hold space for the process of self-discovery, healing, and deep knowing to unfold as each client interacts in freedom with the herd at Quinta Nova. These sessions are offered to adults and teenagers and can be conducted privately or in groups.


When someone feels drawn to horses, either through previous experience or none at all, there are few opportunities to be with horses other than to go to a riding school or boarding facility. Unfortunately, if someone goes directly to riding horses, the horse does not have the freedom to choose if and how s/he wants to interact and build a relationship first. Grounded Connection is an opportunity rooted in presence: taking away the agendas and goals, we can experience authentic connection when we share space with a herd in freedom. This experience is anchored in 1) Trust and Connection and 2) Teaching and Learning. Clients will put these fundamental values into practice through herd observation, interaction with the horses, and experiential learning. Clients will see that this way of being in relationship is transferrable to how we relate to ourselves and others. Grounded Connection could be a gateway to doing Equine-Guided Empowerment® work, and it is an offering in and of itself that is open to people of all ages, families, individuals, and groups.